reset set terminal png set output "La Rochelle.png" set title textcolor rgb "blue" "Données météorologiques de La Rochelle de 1961 à 1990\n(données issues de" set key outside below; set key title "Légende"; set key box reverse; set key box lw 2 lc 4 # Légende set grid # Grille de fond set label 1 textcolor rgb "orange" "305 heures" at 2,20 centre; set arrow 1 from 3.5,20 to 6,19.2 # Info set xtics textcolor rgb "green" border ("Jan" 0, "Fév" 1, "Mar" 2, "Avr" 3, "Mai" 4,"Jun" 5,"Jui" 6, "Aou" 7,"Sep" 8,"Oct" 9,"Nov" 10,"Déc" 11) # Mois sur axe des x set x2range [-1:12]; set x2tics textcolor rgb "green" border ("1" 0, "2" 1, "3" 2, "4" 3, "5" 4,"6" 5,"7" 6, "8" 7,"9" 8,"10" 9,"11" 10,"12" 11) # Chiffres sur axe des x2 set ytics textcolor rgb "red"; set ylabel textcolor rgb "red" "T. moyennes" # Colorisation set y2label textcolor rgb "orange" "E. moyen"; set y2tics textcolor rgb "orange"; set y2range [70:350]# Colorisation + échelle axe y2 set style fill transparent solid 0.3# Colorisation plot [-1:12] [4:22] "LR.dat" using 3 axes x1y2 title "Ensoleillement (h/mois)" with boxes lc rgb "yellow",\ "LR.dat" using 2 title "Températures (°C)" with linespoints lc rgb "red"